Welfare Fund to Extend Plan Eligibility to Active Chicago Plan Members Impacted by Covid-19

Dear Brothers & Sisters:

As you well know, our nation still has a long way to go before we can finally escape the clutches of the devastating COVID-19 pandemic. Thank you for staying vigilant to protect the health and safety of yourself and others as we soldier on in the road to recovery.

I know this health crisis has made life difficult for every one of us, but especially for our brothers and sisters who’ve seen their hours drastically reduced due to the coronavirus. I want you to know that your union has your back every step of the way as we get through this, and we are taking measures to mitigate the pandemic’s impact on the well being of you and your family.

I am pleased to inform you of two major temporary benefit improvements to our CHICAGO PLAN that were approved on August 26, 2020 for active members by the Trustees of the Chicago Regional Council of Carpenters’ Welfare Fund. These changes:

  1. The Chicago Plan will allow for one (1) additional extension of active plan eligibility for the Sept. 1 – Nov. 30, 2020 period for those individuals who have significantly reduced hours (or no work hours) due to the COVID-19 pandemic. (This extension excludes retirees.)
  2. The Chicago Plan will allow for the continuation of reduced COBRA premiums (25% reduction in full rates was approved in March 2020) through March 31, 2021.

My sincere thanks to my fellow Trustees for their commitment to our membership in passing these temporary benefit improvements during these critical times.

Together, we will get through this difficult time as we have always done as a unified, unstoppable force.

In Solidarity,
Gary Perinar
Executive Secretary-Treasurer